Visa to Spain from Lebanon

visa to Spain from Lebanon is available for Lebanese citizens that want to visit Spain. All citizens of Lebanon must first obtain a visa before they board a flight to Spain; those who arrive at the airport without the visa will be denied entry and deported. Fortunately for visa applicants, the process is straightforward, and the application requirements are attainable. This page contains information about the visa to Spain and other visa application requirements..


Can Lebanon Passport Holders Enter Spain Without A Visa?

Lebanese citizens cannot enter Spain without a visa because Lebanon is not on the list of visa-exempt countries. Only citizens of the European Union, Schengen, and selected countries can enter Spain and stay for 90 days visa-free. The only option a Lebanese visitor has is if they already have a Schengen visa issued by another country; they can enter Spain without applying for another visa.

Short Stay & Long Stay Spanish Visa

The government of Spain issues two types of visas: short-stay and long-stay visas. Under each category are several visas, as you will see below.


Short Stay Visa

Tourist Visa: This Schengen visa is for Lebanese tourists who wish to spend their holidays in Spain. The document allows them to visit any province in the country to experience the sights and sounds on offer. The Spain tourist visa is valid for 180 days and grants a maximum stay in the country of 90 days.

Business Visa: Business visas are for those with meetings or events they need to attend in person. Business visas are also valid for 180 days.

Transit Visa: Those traveling to other countries it taking connecting flights in Spain may apply for a transit visa which is valid for only 3 days

Long Stay Spain Visa

Work Visa: Anyone who has secured employment with a Spanish entity must apply for a work visa in Lebanon before they make the trip to Spain. The Spanish embassy will request signed letters of invitation, employment letters, and a host of other company documents and information.

Family Visa: Lebanese with family members in Spain may apply for their family to come over. This visa is only issued to those who can prove within reasonable doubt that they are related to the individual in Spain using status documents like a birth certificate or a marriage certificate.

Student visa: Lebanese students who have secured admission into any of Spain’s numerous colleges or universities must apply for A Student visa.


Visa To Spain From Lebanon Requirements

Completed Application Form: A completed and signed application form containing correct details about yourself.

Lebanese Passport: The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from arrival with a minimum of two unused pages. Passports must not be older than 10 years.

Photograph: 2 recent colored biometric photographs showing your face clearly. The photos must meet Schengen requirements.

Flight booking: You must book a return flight to Lebanon for short visas. The flight should be paid for only reserved.

Medical Insurance: Medical travel insurance with evidence of a minimum medical coverage of €30,000.

Proof of funds: Proof of funds to cover the minimum daily expenses requirement of €100 per day.

Invitation letter: If you are invited by a company or individual, they must provide a signed letter of invitation providing key details about your trip.

Proof of status: For a family visa, you need to prove that you are related to the resident in Spain with civil documents like a death or birth certificate or marriage certificate.

Note: Other documents may be required besides the ones listed above. Make sure all the documents you present are original and valid.

How To Apply For A Visa To Spain From Lebanon?

There are two options open to applicants. The first option is to visit the Spanish embassy in Beirut to apply in person; this is the only option for long-stay visas.

Those applying for a visa to Spain from Lebanon through the embassy in Beirut may have to wait for up to 15 working days or more.

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    This article was published by VisaHQ, a world leader in visa processing. Since 2003, VisaHQ has 20 offices in 6 countries and has helped countless tourist, business travellers, diplomats, workers, and students obtain their visa. With a 4.41 star rating on, VisaHQ is committed to innovation, service, security, and simplicity in the visa application process.