Do UK citizens need ETIAS for Spain

Do UK citizens need ETIAS for Spain? Recently, some British travelers have expressed concern over potential travel policy changes for trips to Europe due to the introduction of the European Travel Information and Authorization System policy.

This policy will be a test run this year and will become mandatory by 2024 for all visitors coming from visa free countries to the Schengen Area. If you are a UK citizen, make sure you read this article until the end to understand the effect the new policy will have on future trips.

What Is ETIAS For Spain?

 ETIAS is an electronic travel information and security vetting system that checks the personal information of visitors coming from visa free countries. This system is designed to safeguard the security of European countries from external risks caused by criminal elements coming into the Schengen Area.

ETIAS visa waiver collates traveler data and vets it across multiple security databases to ensure that only those with crime-free backgrounds are allowed into the region.


Do UK Citizens Need ETIAS?

 UK citizens traveling to Schengen countries will need ETIAS approval to enter the region from January 2024 because the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union. Even though the UK is in Europe, the decision to withdraw from the EU through the Brexit vote makes it mandatory for passport holders to apply for Etias like citizens from other visa-free countries.

What Is ETIAS For?

 ETIAS is for short-term visits to Spain and other Schengen countries. It is not a visa nor qualifies the holder for long term stays. UK citizens can stay in Spain for not more than 90 days, after which they must live.

The approval is valid for 3 days and is a multiple entry document. You can use ETIAS to visit Spain as a tourist, for business and family visits. Citizens looking to spend longer in Spain or the Schengen area should apply for a Schengen visa instead.

 UK visitors should also note that the approval can only be used for visits within a 180 days period. That means those who visit Spain or any other country for 90 days and leave cannot return until 180 days have passed.

For clarity, you can not visit and stay in Spain more than twice a year if you plan to stay for up to 90 days on both occasions. This creates limitations, so travelers are advised to plan their trip carefully.

ETIAS For Spain Requirements

 Those looking to apply for ETIAS for Spain must provide the following:

Passport: A valid UK passport that will not expire three months after your departure

Card: A debit or credit card to pay the €7 non refundable fee

Email: An active email address to receive the ETIAS approval or notification.

When filling out the form, applicants are advised to fill it out accurately, as wrong information may lead to rejection. The form is easy to fill out and takes only 10 minutes or less.

How To Apply?

 To apply for Etias, do the following:

  • Visit VisaHQ 

  • Choose Spain as your destination

  • Choose the United Kingdom as your citizenship

  • Select ETIAS

  • Complete the application form

  • Attach your documents

  • Pay the application fee

  • Submit for approval

ETIAS For Spain Information

 When filling out your ETIAS form, you will be required to provide the following information.

Personal Information: Your details should include your full name, date of birth, nationality, gender, and place of birth. This information should match what is on your passport.

Contact Details: The authorities will want to know your current address, so there is a special section for house address, email, and phone number. Make sure you use an active phone number, as they will use this to contact you if the need arises.

Passport Information: Your passport information should include the passport number, date of issue, and expiration date.

Travel Information: The country you intend to visit as a primary destination and any other country or set of countries in the Schengen Area.

The decision on whether to issue or not to issue the approval will be communicated by mail, so endeavor to use an email you can access. ETIAS should be printed for evidence or reference purposes and brought to Spain.

The purpose of ETIAS

 This security vetting system is designed to maintain the visa-free entry of UK citizens into the Schengen Area, to make Europe much safer than ever before, and to protect the population from Pandemics or epidemics from vulnerable regions.  

The application fee is €7 and is only demanded from visitors between 18-70 years old. Those outside this age bracket don’t need to pay the fee. 

Do UK Citizens need ETIAS for Spain? Yes, they do and can get it by submitting their application visa VisaHQ. Visit the application portal now to complete your application.

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    This article was published by VisaHQ, a world leader in visa processing. Since 2003, VisaHQ has 20 offices in 6 countries and has helped countless tourist, business travellers, diplomats, workers, and students obtain their visa. With a 4.41 star rating on, VisaHQ is committed to innovation, service, security, and simplicity in the visa application process.