Dubai’s Green Spine: Transforming the “Unlivable” City and Attracting Top Talent

Dubai is renowned for its futuristic skyline and luxurious lifestyle. However, its scorching temperatures and car-centric urban design have posed challenges for livability – and walkability. In fact, Business Insider listed Dubai as one of 11 cities that could become “unlivable” within less than a century.

Now, the city’s new Dubai Green Spine project, part of the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan, aims to address these issues by transforming Dubai’s main traffic artery into a lush, sustainable corridor. This initiative will enhance the quality of life for existing residents but also positions Dubai as a prime destination for global talent.

The Green Spine Project:

The Dubai Green Spine is a bold initiative by UAE-based Urb, a firm that bills itself as a “highly experienced developer of Net Zero Sustainable Cities.” Their latest aim is to turn the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road into a 40-mile-long green corridor filled with lush plants and one million trees. The project includes elevated and ground-level pathways, multifunctional public spaces, and a large solar panel farm to power the infrastructure and surrounding homes. This sustainable corridor will encourage walking, cycling, and outdoor activities, significantly reducing the city’s carbon footprint while improving air quality.

The Green Spine project is expected to radically transform urban functionality, shifting Dubai from a car-centric metropolis to a human-centric city – it will, in essence, become the lifeblood of this global destination. The introduction of greenery and public spaces will offer residents and visitors safe and attractive routes for commuting and leisure. By improving air quality and reducing urban heat, the Green Spine will make outdoor activities more enjoyable.

Why Businesses Should Care:

Attracting top talent is crucial for business success in all industries, and the Dubai Green Spine offers compelling reasons for professionals to consider relocating to Dubai. As noted, the project is designed to make the city more livable, sustainable, and human-centric. This transformation can be a significant draw for potential employees – and their families – looking for a high quality of life in a cutting-edge urban environment.

The goal of the Green Spine is to get people to start using their feet and bikes to commute, shop, and, quite simply, live. Urb executives strongly believe that the project will significantly reduce the city’s carbon footprint and overall environmental impact, ultimately providing current residents, new immigrants, and visitors from around the world with appealing routes for commuting and leisure.

The company’s CEO, Baharash Bagherian, told Fast Company, “It challenges conventional infrastructure norms, proving that our streets can do more than facilitate car traffic; they can significantly enhance quality of life.”

Bagherian continued, “Dubai is uniquely positioned to turn such visions into reality, given its strong commitment to enhancing livability and sustainability.”

Visa Facilitation for Talent:

Dubai's efforts to attract talent are supported by a range of visa options tailored for skilled professionals, entrepreneurs, and remote workers. The United Arab Emirates’ Golden Visa program offers long-term residency for investors and talented individuals. It is officially described as “a long-term residence visa which enables foreign talents to live, work or study in the UAE while enjoying exclusive benefits. Investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, outstanding students and graduates, humanitarian pioneers and frontline heroes are among those eligible for the Golden visa.”

 Additionally, the Dubai Remote Work Visa allows employees to live in Dubai while working remotely for companies around the world, making it an attractive option for digital nomads.

Whether you’re thinking about expanding your business to Dubai as a result of the Green Spine initiative, or if you already have a base and are interested in attracting workers from around the globe, these visa options could help you appeal to talented professionals in your field.

The Dubai Green Spine is more than just an urban development project; it’s a statement of Dubai’s vision for the future. By creating a sustainable and livable city, Dubai is setting a new standard for urban development in arid climates. For businesses looking to attract top talent, Dubai offers a unique combination of modern infrastructure, innovative projects, and a welcoming environment through its visa programs. Embrace the future of work and living by considering Dubai as your next talent destination.

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