Kiribati Visa Find the right Kiribati Visa for your trip with price, requirements, and application time

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Kiribati Visa Types

Kiribati Visa Types

There are different types of visas that applicants may apply for, and Kiribati authorities issue these visas, and we review them below.

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Expert in Kiribati visa services since 2003, VisaHQ is a private visa agency, not affiliated with the government of Kiribati. VisaHQ provides expediting services for visa to Kiribati and charges a service fee. See how we compare in the 90 seconds video 
Tourism & Business
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    not required
A visa is not required for this destination.

Visa is not required for a stay up to 28 days, which can be extended up to 120 days within any 1-year period

Visa is not required for a stay up to 28 days, which can be extended up to 120 days within any 1-year period

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    Unfortunately, at this time VisaHQ does not provide service for

    A visa is not required for this destination.

    A visa is not required for this destination.

    Sounds good! What else do I need to know while planning a trip to Kiribati?
    • First, check the current validity of your passport.

    • Second, make sure your passport has blank Visa pages.

    • Confirm if transit visa is required for any connections.

      Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Kiribati. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country
    Additional information
      • Check visa

      Kiribati Visa Policy

      All visitors looking to visit Kiribati need a visa unless they are passport holders from the country on the visa-exempt list. Currently, there are under 100 countries and territories whose citizens may visit the country without visas, so check the list to make a determination about whether you need a visa or not.

      The visa policy of Kiribati also outlines the category of visitors who can visit and how long they can stay on the island. The good news is that visas are relatively easy to get as long as you meet all the requirements.

      Kiribati Visa Exemption

      If you come from a visa-exempt country, you can stay in Kiribati for up to 4 months, but there is also a chance to exceed your stay by a few more weeks. The visa-exempt list consists of all Schengen countries with which Kiribati has signed a visa waiver agreement, including a few other non-EU countries. Visitors who hold the Laissez Passer passport of the United Nations can also visit without visas if they are coming for a special assignment.

      Non-Visa Exempt Visitor

      Non-visa-exempt visitors are those who require visas to enter the country. These visitors must meet the requirements to enter the country. However, requirements vary from person to person depending on their nationality, length of stay, and purpose of the trip. There are also short-term and long-term visas. Short-term visas only last a few weeks and are suited for tourism and business, while long-term visas last for several months and years.

      Key Information About Kiribati You Should Know

      Be Respectful: Citizens of Kiribati are big on respect for self and culture, so always be respectful when you are in public places. Be polite with your words and actions, and ask questions about anything you know little or nothing about. The locals are very friendly and would be of help.

      Local Religion And Customs: Kiribati is a highly religious society. There are animal sites and churches all over the island country. These sites are called Mwaneaba, which have great significance. Always be respectful in these areas or churches. Avoid actions that will offend the locals, especially in villages. I'd you find yourself around a Mwaneaba or Church, be quiet. Passerbys are expected to turn off their motorcycle or car, or if they must move, they must drive slowly. Humility is a priced trait in Kiribati culture.

      Eye Contact: Direct eye contact with an elder or a person if higher status is discouraged. Touching a person's head is taboo, nor should you raise your arms or hands above another person's head.

      Taking Pictures: The locals don't mind their pictures taken, but you must ask first. Taking pictures without permission is considered disrespectful, so kindly respect the dignity and privacy of others during your stay.

      Walking In Public: When you encounter two persons along a footpath, you must go around them as it is disrespectful to walk through them; if you can't go around them, bend your head below eye level and utter the "Matauninga" greeting as a show of respect.

      These are some of the local customs and norms of the people, so keep them in mind. The locals are friendly and peaceful so you wouldn't have any issues throughout your stay. Lastly, endeavor to leave the island on or before your visa expires to avoid attracting fines for staying on an expired visa.

      How To Apply For Kiribati Visa

      There are two ways to apply for a visa to Kiribati: the visa-on-arrival option and the embassy option.

      Visa On Arrival: The visa-on-arrival option is open to visitors from selected countries who are allowed to arrive without visas. However, they can apply for one at the entry point, which will be issued to them so they can enter. Visa-on-arrival applicants must have valid passports and plan to stay for only a short time. This option is only open to tourists and business visitors rather than students and foreign workers who wish to stay back for a long time.

      Embassy: The other option is to submit your application to the Kiribati embassy or consulate nearest you. This is the standard option for most applicants for short or long-stay visas. In countries where there are no consulates, there are licensed visa agents that aid the authorities who will transmit your documents and information to the authorities for processing.

      Regardless of whether you apply through the embassy or on arrival, kindly bear in mind that you must pay an application fee which is non-refundable. Processing an embassy application may take 4-6 weeks or more, but visa-on-arrival applicants will get their visas on the spot.

      Kiribati e Visa Online – Get your Kiribati e-Visa with VisaHQ

      Are you planning a trip to Kiribati anytime soon? If you are not from a visa-exempt country, you will need a visa for the trip.

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      To apply for Kiribati visa in
      • Washington, DC
        Address Inc.
        1701 Rhode Island Ave NW
        Washington, DC 20036
        Working Hours
        For calls: Mo-Fr, 8:30 am - 8:30 pm ET
        For visits: Mo-Fr, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm ET

      Frequently Asked Questions about Kiribati visa


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