Visa de Comoros Encuentra la visa Comoros adecuada para tu viaje con precio, requisitos y tiempo de solicitud

Tener que obtener una visa para Comoros quita toda la diversión de viajar.
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Tipos de visa Comoros

Visas de viaje a corto plazo
Visas y inmigración a largo plazo

Tipos de visa de Comoras

Los extranjeros que deseen visitar la Isla de Comoras deben tener claro el motivo de su visita. Esto se debe a que las visas se emiten por diferentes razones, por lo que la visa que elija debe reflejar el propósito de su visita. Las visas también se emiten para entrada única o múltiple y reflejan la duración. Revisamos los diferentes tipos de visa en esta sección.

Aplicar en línea
Enviar el documento
Recibir una visa
Experto en servicios de visas de Comoros desde 2003, VisaHQ es una agencia privada de visas, no afiliada con el gobierno del Comoros. VisaHQ proporciona servicios expeditivos para la visa a Comoros y cobra una tarifa de servicio. Ver cómo nos comparamos en los 90 segundos video 
  • r
    Visa de turista
  • r
    Visa de negocios
Se requiere una visa para este destino.

Estos ciudadanos son elegibles para obtener una visa al llegar para una estadía de hasta 45 días.

Estos ciudadanos son elegibles para obtener una visa al llegar para una estadía de hasta 45 días.

Registre su viaje con el US Department of State!
Manténgase informado.
Reciba información importante de la Embajada sobre las condiciones de seguridad en su país de destino, lo que le ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas sobre sus planes de viaje.
Mantente seguro.
Ayuda a que US Embassy pueda contactarte en caso de emergencia, ya sea por desastre natural, disturbios civiles o emergencia familiar.
Mantente en contacto.
Ayuda a que tu familia y amigos se pongan en contacto contigo en caso de emergencia.

    Lamentablemente, en este momento VisaHQ no ofrece servicio para

    hasta undefined días

    Lamentablemente, en este momento VisaHQ no ofrece servicio para Visa de turista

    Pasos que puede seguir:
    • Verifique la validez actual de su pasaporte y que tenga disponibles páginas en blanco para visas.

    • Contacte la embajada o consulado de Comoros más cercano

      Aprovecha nuestra extensa base de datos de embajadas y consulados para encontrar el más cercano. Al contactar a la embajada, confirma los documentos necesarios, el tiempo que lleva procesar la visa y si el consulado acepta solicitudes por correo.

    Información adicional
      • Verificar visa

      Comoros Visa Policy

      Visitors to the island country of Comoros must have visas before their trip, and this rule applies to all foreigners as the country does not have a visa-exempt list. While most visitors must obtain their visas abroad, a selection of foreign nationals can get visas on arrival at the entry point. The visa on arrival allows the holder to stay in Comoros for up to 45 days, but it is only for a single entry.

      The application fees vary between $30-$50 per applicant, and this fee is not refundable but strictly for application processing. As for transit, visitors don’t pay this fee if they will only remain in Comoros for 24 hours before boarding their flight for their exit. The government expects all visitors to have valid passports for at least 6 months and an onward or return ticket.

      How To Apply For A Visa To Comoros

      Applicants have two options whenever they wish to apply, and they are as follows.

      Visa On Arrival

      This option is relatively straightforward and requires the visitor to have a valid passport to cover their stay, a ticket for the return or owned trip, and sufficient funds to cover their expenses. Once they arrive at Comoros through the airport or seaport, visitors will be directed to the immigration stand, where they will be given an application form to fill out; after completing the form, they must hand it over along with their documents and the app fee to the immigration officer. Their passport will be stamped and approved for entry if their documents are in order.


      The second option is to apply to the embassy or consulate of Comoros. This method takes longer but is the only option for short and long-term visas. You must submit your application form and documents to the embassy, which takes a few weeks to process. Before then, you may or may not be invited for an interview. Successful applicants are issued visas for the trip.

      The Immigration Office in Comoros may extend your application if you apply for an extension beyond 45 days, but the number of extra days will be at the discretion of the officer handling your case. Factors determining the duration will depend on health factors, safety, and political concerns.

      Key Information About Comoros Visa And Travel Tips

      Here are some things you should know if you want to travel to Comoros in the coming weeks or months.

      Have Your Visa With You At All Times: Once you arrive in Comoros, ensure you keep your belongings, including your documents, in your hotel room but have a certified copy of your visa with you anytime you visit public places. This is because law enforcement agents may approach you at any time, asking to see your legal documents, so having the copy with you will save you the stress of going to your room to pick it up.

      Dress Conservatively: Comoros is a deeply Islamic society where flamboyant dressing and immense displays of wealth are frowned on. You are advised to dress conservatively, especially if you are a woman. Displaying excess skin is not allowed and will attract public criticism from the locals. Respect the culture of the people for as long as you are there.

      Stay Away From Public Demonstrations: Public demonstrations in Comoros may turn violent very quickly, so endeavor to stay away from places where they take place. They can also cause traffic congestion in the City center which may ruin your plans for the day, so use the services of a guide who can give you accurate information before you leave your room.

      Travel Through Approved Routes: There approved entry routes are the airports and designated seaports and harbors, but other entry sea routes are unsafe. If you must travel by sea, avoid illegal routes to avoid trouble with the authorities or criminal elements.

      Passport Validity:  Ensure that your passport is valid enough to cover the duration of your stay in Comoros. Also, note that your visa is tied to the passport, and if it expires, you will not be able to use the visa again.

      Avoid Walks At Night: Some parts of the city are unsafe, but you only know if you are a local, so avoid late-night walks. Also, avoid isolated areas during the day, as cases of muggings and assaults are not unheard of. If you must move out at night for serious reasons, use the help of trusted guides who know the area well.

      Vaccination Requirements:  Study the health requirements before your visit as they change from time to time. There’s no vaccine requirement for all visitors for now, but persons from selected regions with epidemic or pandemic outbreaks may be subject to some health requirements. Consult your physician for more information before your trip and take the vaccines if recommended. You are also required to bring certificates for vaccines received as proof.

      Traveling With Large Amounts: Foreigners are not allowed to travel to Comoros with large amounts as the anti-money laundering laws frown at such. While in the city, don’t move around with cash you don’t need.

      Applying For Extension: Not all visas can be extended while others can. If you must extend your stay in Comoros for any reason, be advised before your visa expires. You must submit an application for an extension to the nearest immigration office where you stay for at least a week before the visa expires. Applying for an extension after your visa expires will be accepted.

      Comoros e-Visa Online – Get your Comoros e-Visa with VisaHQ

      Are you planning a trip to Comoros anytime soon? You should have all the necessary information at your fingertips if you want a successful visa application and an eventful trip. Many visitors visit Comoros annually, and you can do the same too.

      Encuéntranos cerca de ti

      To solicitar Comoros visa en

      Preguntas frecuentes sobre la visa Comoros

          Comoros Embajada de lista en United States of America

          Comoros Aduanas

          Regulaciones de importación Regulaciones de exportación Salud y seguridad Contactar a las autoridades aduaneras
              Información de contacto de aduanas
              Para obtener más ayuda, por favor contacte directamente a las autoridades aduaneras de Comoros. Ellos le proporcionarán la información más actualizada sobre las regulaciones aduaneras y los procedimientos de importación y exportación.

              • Teléfono

              Para obtener información adicional sobre restricciones de viaje, advertencias de seguridad, actualizaciones políticas y pautas básicas de viaje, por favor contacte a la Embajada de Comoros más cercana.


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