Multi entry visa China

The Chinese government, through its numerous embassies, consulates, and visa application centers all over the globe, offers different types of visas, including the multi entry visa China.  This visa, like the others, allows for the smooth passage of visitors into the country to conduct any legal activity of their choice. This page focuses on the multi entry visa, the different types, processing fees, and other vital information.

What is A Multi – Entry Visa?

A Multi entry valid Chinese visa is a special visa that allows the holder to enter China multiple times a year. As long as the visa remains valid, the holder is not limited to the number of times they can use it. The average validity of a Chinese multi entry visa is three months to 6 months for short-term visas. However, long-term visas, can last for 1-10 years. Multi entry visas are best for those who travel to China frequently. Instead of approaching the Embassy each time they want to travel, they can apply for this visa, granting them entry into China anytime they wish.

Holders can visit Mainland China any time of the year, but they must exit on or before the maximum number of days allowed.

Single Entry Vs. Multi Entry Visa

A single entry visa can only be used once, not twice or several times. Although it has a cheaper processing fee, it has a shorter validity than a multi-entry visa. If you will only visit China once in a long time, a single entry visa will suffice but for multiple visits during the course of a single calendar year, opt for a multi entry visa.

How To Apply For A Multi Entry Visa?

To get a multi entry visa, you will need to submit your documents and an application form to the Chinese Embassy or consulate. After receiving your documents and the application fee, the consulate will process your application and call you for an interview. Successful applicants are then notified to return for their passports and visa.

Here are the documents you will be asked to provide.

Application Form: A completed application form bearing all your personal details. You must mark “multiple entry visa” as the visa you want. Also, make sure you sign the form.

Passport: A valid passport with at least two blank pages and a minimum of 6 months validity. 

Passports that do not meet these conditions will not be accepted for the multi entry visa processing.

ID Card: A valid government-issued ID card.

Ticket Reservation: A round-trip ticket reservation for your trip to and from China. If you want a Transit visa, you must submit a ticket reservation and travel Itinerary for the third country you’re going.

Previous Visa: If you have been issued a Chinese visa in the past, you can submit it to increase your chances of getting the visa.

Processing Fees

The amount you pay as a processing fee for the visa will depend on the type of visa you’re applying for and the validity. Furthermore, your nationality also influences the cost too. For instance, US citizens may be charged as much as $170 for the visa or as low as $140. Canadians and other nationals may pay as high as $120 or as low as $80. Also, note that the processing fee for consulates is not the same as that of embassies in most cases.

The Long Term Multi Entry Visa

Let’s say you don’t want to frequent the Embassy and go through the hassle of applying for a visa every time you travel to China; there is a long-term visa option you can use. If you are of Chinese origin and living abroad, you can apply for a five-year China visa. The same opportunity is open to British citizens. China also has a five-year visa for Americans studying in Chinese academic institutions under the X1 program.

Then there is the ten year multi entry visa for selected countries such as Canada, the US, the UK, and Argentine passport holders. This ten-year visa may be a Tourist, Business, Private Visit, or Family Reunion visa. To avail of this visa, US citizens need at least a one year valid passport; British citizens need a minimum of 1 year visa validity, while Canadians don’t have a minimum passport validity requirement.

Argentines can apply but only for business or tourist visas and cannot stay in China for more than 90 days per visit.

You can apply for a multi entry visa China by submitting your application directly at the Embassy in your home country or a visa application center approved by the consulate in the region. Note that forms submitted with wrong information or invalid documents will be rejected.

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Visa type
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    This article was published by VisaHQ, a world leader in visa processing. Since 2003, VisaHQ has 20 offices in 6 countries and has helped countless tourist, business travellers, diplomats, workers, and students obtain their visa. With a 4.41 star rating on, VisaHQ is committed to innovation, service, security, and simplicity in the visa application process.