Australia eta for the citizens of Singapore

Before you travel to a foreign country, the most important thing that you need is, of course, a travel document or visa. Different countries have different visa policies for foreign nationals.

When it comes to Australian travel documents for Singapore nationals, the country offers two types of visas: regular paper or stamp visas and electronic travel authorization (ETA).

What is an Australian ETA?

Let's start with the most basic question: what is actually an Australia ETA?

An ETA or electronic travel authority is an e-visa designed to make the visa application process simple and convenient. Through an ETA, applicants are no longer required to apply for a traditional visa in person. You can get your travel document from the comfort of your home!

To get an Australian ETA, Singapore citizens must fulfill some character, health, and security requirements. The department of home affairs has set an eligibility criterion that you must fulfill to get an electronic travel authorization, which is as follows:

  • Applicants must have a valid passport with at least 3 months of remaining validity

  • They must not be entering Australia to threaten, harass, or intimidate Australian citizens.

  • They must have good character.

  • They must not have a criminal record.

  • They must not require medical assistance at the expense of Australian residents.

  • They must not have a disease that can affect the general public.

If you fulfill all these requirements, you can apply for an ETA. Otherwise, you'll need to get a traditional visitor visa!

Validity Period

Singapore is one of the 8 countries whose citizens are eligible for an Australian ETA. It is a multiple-entry travel document that permits holders to stay in the country for 90 consecutive days within a 1-year period. An ETA can be used for tourism purposes as well as business activities, including:

  • Visiting relatives

  • Spending holidays

  • Exploring the country

  • Attending conferences and meetings

  • Meeting with business associates

Australia ETA Requirements

Unlike a traditional Australian visa, you don’t need dozens of documents to get an ETA. The Australian government requires you to provide a handful of documents that are necessary to process ETA applications. These documents are as follows:

  • Valid Passport - A copy of an applicant's passport (excluding official or diplomatic passports) with at least 3 months of remaining validity as well as 2 blank pages for stamps on arrival.

  • E-mail Address - Your email address will be electronically linked to your passport. Upon approval, you'll receive your valid ETA via email!

  • Online Payment Methods - As this entire process is online, you'll need online means of payment to pay the ETA application fee. You can use a debit card, credit card, or PayPal account.

These are the most basic documents required to apply for an Australian ETA. Besides these, you may need a few additional supporting documents depending on the purpose of your visit!

How to Apply Online for an Australian ETA?

Electronic travel authority (ETA) was implemented to make the visa application process more convenient and faster. Unlike a traditional visa, you don’t need to visit the Australian embassy or consulate office to apply for an ETA. All you need to do is:

  1. Download the "Australia ETA" app on your smartphone

  2. Log in with your valid credentials

  3. Fill out the ETA application form

  4. Pay the ETA fee

  5. Submit your application with supporting documents

That's it! Afterward, you'll receive your travel documents via email!

ETA Application Form

You need to pay close attention while filling out your online application form. This is because if there are mistakes or discrepancies in your application form, your ETA will more likely be delayed or denied.

To fill out your ETA form, you'll need to provide personal, contact, travel, and passport details, such as:

  • Name and surname

  • Date of birth

  • Nationality

  • Gender

  • Passport number

  • Passport issue date

  • Passport expiry date

  • Travel dates

  • Travel purpose

  • Phone number

  • Email address

Processing Time

The Singapore passport holders will receive their ETA as soon as they submit their applications. The estimated processing time for an Australia ETA is 72 hours. However, due to secondary checks and high demand, you might have to wait a little longer.

You can also check your ETA status using the "Australia ETA" app in case you don’t receive your document within 72 hours!

Travel to Australia - Entry Requirements

Once you get your ETA by email, you can download it on your mobile device or print a hard copy of your travel document. Afterward, you can travel to Australia. At the border crossing, you'll need to present a valid ETA as well as your passport.

Keep in mind that an ETA does not guarantee your entry to the country. The final decision will be made by the immigration officials at the entry point!

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    Apply for Australia Visa online
    This article was published by VisaHQ, a world leader in visa processing. Since 2003, VisaHQ has 20 offices in 6 countries and has helped countless tourist, business travellers, diplomats, workers, and students obtain their visa. With a 4.41 star rating on, VisaHQ is committed to innovation, service, security, and simplicity in the visa application process.