التقديم للحصول على تأشيرة
Free import
Free import by non-residents older than 15 years of age (residents may import half the duty free quantities). If more is imported the whole quantity is dutiable:
• 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos (of 3 grammes each); or 50 cigars or 250 grammes of tobacco;
• 2 litres of distilled beverages or 2 litres of wine;
gift articles up to a value of ANG 100
• Pets - dogs and cats from Central and South America, except from Suriname are prohibited (also in transit) from entering Netherland Antilles.
• Cats, dogs (which must be older than 3 months)
• Parrots and parakeets must be accompanied by a veterinarian good health certificate issued at point of origin, which should be issued a max. of 14 days prior to arrival.
• If the total value of the goods per passenger exceeds ANG 500.-, declaration should be made on customs forms and cleared at the freight department;